JPSS Asia-Africa Science Platform Program on Neo-Fiber Technology
Seminar Series 6
The Future of Neo-Fiber Technology for Collabrative Research
in Asia and Africa
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Outline of AA Science Platform Program
This program is designed to create high potential research hubs in selected fields within the Asian and African regions, while fostering the next generation of leading researchers. It is accomplished by establishing sustainable collaborative relations among universities and research institutes in Japan and other Asian and African countries. Under the program, these "core institutions" will collaborate in research fields of special importance or significance to Asia and Africa and that is deemed to be of high priority within Japan.
@JSPS Asia-Africa 6th Seminar
Date: 1-4 December, 2009.
Venue: The Meeting room for post-graduate school,
3rd floor, Bldg, No.1,
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan
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